
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /pros/effectif/28-clemence-collin
# Route name Path Log
1 app_ajax_search_autocomplete /app_ajax/search/autocomplete Path does not match
2 app_ajax_newsletters /app_ajax/newsletters Path does not match
3 app_ajax_contact /app_ajax/contact Path does not match
4 app_ajax_diagnostic /app_ajax/diagnostic Path does not match
5 app_ajax_franchise /app_ajax/franchise Path does not match
6 app_ajax_news_pagination /app_ajax/news_pagination Path does not match
7 app_ajax_news_filter /app_ajax/news_filter Path does not match
8 app_ajax_media_filter /app_ajax/media_filter Path does not match
9 app_ajax_media_pagination /app_ajax/media_pagination Path does not match
10 core_admin_controller_entity_auto /4DM1n157R4710N/entity-management Path does not match
11 core_admin_dashboard /4DM1n157R4710N/ Path does not match
12 core_admin_ajax_page_save /4DM1n157R4710N/ajax/page/save Path does not match
13 _demo_hello /test Path does not match
14 shopping_search_autocomplete /cart/search/autocomplete Path does not match
15 shopping_products_pagination /cart/ajax/product/list Path does not match
16 shopping_products_availiables /cart/ajax/product/availiables Path does not match
17 shopping_cart_product_add /cart/ajax/cart/product/add Path does not match
18 shopping_cart_product_update /cart/ajax/cart/product/update Path does not match
19 shopping_cart_product_remove /cart/ajax/cart/product/remove Path does not match
20 shopping_product_favoris_add /cart/ajax/product/favoris/add Path does not match
21 shopping_product_favoris_remove /cart/ajax/product/favoris/remove Path does not match
22 shopping_product_devis /cart/ajax/product/devis Path does not match
23 shopping_product_shop /cart/ajax/product/shop Path does not match
24 shopping_product_stock_rupture /cart/ajax/product/stock_rupture Path does not match
25 shopping_create_address /cart/ajax/delivery/address/create Path does not match
26 shopping_order_address_update /cart/ajax/order/address/update Path does not match
27 shopping_order_address_remove /cart/ajax/order/address/remove Path does not match
28 shopping_order_address_validate /cart/ajax/order/address/validate Path does not match
29 shopping_choose_delivery_method /cart/ajax/delivery/choose Path does not match
30 shopping_validate_delivery_method /cart/ajax/delivery/validate Path does not match
31 shopping_choose_payment_method /cart/ajax/payment/choose Path does not match
32 shopping_validate_payment_method /cart/ajax/payment/validate Path does not match
33 shopping_code_promo_add /cart/code-promo/add Path does not match
34 shopping_code_promo_remove /cart/code-promo/remove Path does not match
35 shopping_order_validity /cart/ajax/order/validity Path does not match
36 shopping_order_save /cart/ajax/order/save_order Path does not match
37 shopping_order_payment_execute /cart/ajax/order/execute_payment Path does not match
38 shopping_click_and_collect_validity /cart/ajax/click-and-collect/validity Path does not match
39 shopping_order_click_and_collect_save /cart/ajax/order/click-and-collect/save_order Path does not match
40 shopping_notification_societe_generale /cart/notification/societe-generale Path does not match
41 shopping_notification_societe_generale_sogen_actif /cart/notification/societe-generale-sogen-actif Path does not match
42 shopping_notification_paypal /cart/notification/paypal Path does not match
43 shopping_notification_payplug /cart/notification/payplug Path does not match
44 shopping_notification_credit_agricole /cart/notification/credit-agricole Path does not match
45 shopping_admin_categories_orders /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/categories_orders Path does not match
46 shopping_admin_products_orders /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/products_orders Path does not match
47 shopping_admin_select_group_features /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/select-group-features Path does not match
48 shopping_admin_order_save /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/ajax/order/form/save Path does not match
49 shopping_admin_orders_filters /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/orders/filters Path does not match
50 shopping_admin_orders_exports /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/orders/exports Path does not match
51 shopping_admin_product_declinaisons_load /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/product_declinaisons/load Path does not match
52 shopping_admin_product_declinaisons_save /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/product_declinaisons/save/{product} Path does not match
53 shopping_admin_product_declinaisons_create /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/product_declinaisons/create Path does not match
54 shopping_admin_product_declinaisons_remove /4DM1n157R4710N/shopping/product_declinaisons/remove Path does not match
55 api_emails /api/emails Path does not match
56 api_email /api/email Path does not match
57 redirect_user_login /redirect/user/login Path does not match
58 user_login /ajax/user/login Path does not match
59 user_connect /ajax/user/connect Path does not match
60 user_register /ajax/user/register Path does not match
61 user_register_notification /ajax/user/register/notification Path does not match
62 user_account_remove /ajax/user/remove Path does not match
63 user_forgot_password /ajax/user/forgot-password Path does not match
64 user_forgot_password_reset /ajax/user/forgot-password-reset Path does not match
65 user_update_infos /ajax/update/infos Path does not match
66 user_update_infos_pro /ajax/update/infos/professionnel Path does not match
67 user_update_email /ajax/update/email Path does not match
68 user_update_password /ajax/update/password Path does not match
69 user_update_newsletter /ajax/update/newsletter Path does not match
70 user_update_address /ajax/update/address Path does not match
71 user_remove_address /ajax/remove/address Path does not match
72 order_comment_create /ajax/order/comment/create Path does not match
73 user_account_address_template /ajax/account/address/template Path does not match
74 user_update_address_template /ajax/update/address/template Path does not match
75 user_admin_user_update /4DM1n157R4710N/ajax/user/update Path does not match
76 user_admin_user_remove /4DM1n157R4710N/ajax/user/remove Path does not match
77 liip_imagine_filter_runtime /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path} Path does not match
78 liip_imagine_filter /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path} Path does not match
79 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
80 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
81 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
82 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
83 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
84 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
85 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
86 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
87 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
88 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
89 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
90 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
91 sitemap /sitemap.xml Path does not match
92 router /{controller} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.